Management Board of CPD S.A. (hereinafter the “Company”) informs that on 10 August 2021, the Company received from Ms Iwona Makarewicz and Ms Elżbieta Wiczkowska, management board members of CPD SA, notifications about transactions on shares, concluded on 3 August 2021, about referred to in Art. 19 paragraph 3 of the MAR Regulation.
The content of the notifications is the attachment to this report.
Notyfikacja Elżbieta Wiczkowska
Legal basis:
Art. 19 par. 3 MAR – transactions conducted by entities closely associated with persons that discharge of managerial duties
Signatures of persons authorized to represent the Company:
Elżbieta Wiczkowska, Member of the Management Board, 10 August 2021
Iwona Makarewicz, Member of the Management Board, 10 August 2021